Learning Circles

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For informal caregivers, learning the hard way—through experience—can be too late. Caregiver Champions aims to take the guessing out of caregiving. The Learning Circles are a series of six, free two-hour discussions designed to provide informal learning in a casual setting. Each session features a topic expert to provide useful information and advice that caregivers can easily apply to their daily lives. Participants also get to network with other caregivers and learn from each other's experiences. Each Learning Circle is hosted by a Caregiver Champion. Click Here to find a Learning Circle in your community. Respite Reimbursement is available.

Introduction to Caregiver Champions
Learn how to take back control of your life by reducing stress, discovering new resources, and learning from the experiences of others.

Introduction to Caregiver Champions

Learning Circle 1, Introduction to Caregiver Champions, gives you an overview of the Caregiver Champions program and outlines the key objectives for each session. Discover how reducing stress, unlocking new community resources and staying organized can help in your caregiving experiences. Learn about the importance of maintaining your own health needs, and assess whether your experiences and emotions are typical of the average caregiver. In the first session, you will discover that you are truly not alone.
Caregiver Burnout and Stress Management
Identify symptoms of caregiver burnout and unlock new and easy tools to help you better manage the stress associated with caring for a loved one.

Caregiver Burnout and Stress Management

Learning Circle 2, Caregiver Burnout and Stress Management, helps you assess your level of burnout. Learn how to identify symptoms of burnout and gain a better understanding of the feelings you are experiencing. In addition, learn about the physical toll stress can take and discover new methods of stress management.
Uncover new communication techniques that will help you better communicate with the person you are caring for as well as the healthcare professionals helping with that care.


Learning Circle 3, Communication, enables you to assess your communication skills. Learn about techniques, including active listening, body language and non-verbal cues, to help you better communicate with your care recipient. In addition, learn how to more effectively communicate with healthcare providers and better advocate for the needs of your loved ones.
Staying Organized/Home Safety
Learn new ways to stay organized and better prepare for emergency situations. Understand how a safe home environment can simplify your life.

Staying Organized/Home Safety

Learning Circle 4, Staying Organized/Home Safety, arms you with powerful organizational tools and helps prepare you in the event of an emergency. Learn how to organize emergency contact, medical and medication information so that it is readily available and up-to-date. Receive a home safety checklist and learn about small at-home modifications that can both simplify your life and ensure the safety of your loved one.
Local Resources, Common Tools and Acronyms
Gain new insight into what local, state and federal resources are available to help you better care for your loved ones.

Local Resources, Common Tools and Acronyms

Learning Circle 5, Local Resources, Common Terms and Acronyms, provides you with resources, services and tools available to both you and your care recipient. You will receive an extensive resource list of local, state and federal agencies as well as a guide defining useful terms and acronyms. This Learning Circle will also let you share and learn from the experiences of other participants.
Advance Planning
Discover how advance planning can help reduce future stress and family chaos. Learn how to approach conversations about sensitive issues.

Advance Planning

Learning Circle 6, Advance Planning, educates you about advance planning and how it can help reduce future stress. Learn about the different types of advance directive forms and how to approach conversations about sensitive senior issues. This session also includes a final wrap-up that will enable you to share your thoughts with fellow participants.